Scott, Katie and Wilson

Scott, Katie and Wilson

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Charlotte 5 Months Old

Five months old is starting to sound old!  What's happening to our baby?!  Soon enough she will be sitting up and acting like a big girl :(  This month Charlotte started to roll over from her back to her tummy.  She LOVES playing on the play mat and looking up at her toys dangling down.  She reaches up for them and is able to grasp toys and put them in her mouth to chew on now.  She is chewing on things nonstop as we wait for her teeth to start appearing.  She is still such a happy and sweet baby.  We've had some friends stay with us this month and everyone who meets her can't believe a) how beautiful she is AND b) how calm and good she is.  And she really is.  She barely fusses.  Even a trip to a store and she sits in her carseat happily.  It is a breath of fresh air to have such a happy baby.
At 5 months Charlotte is still taking 4 naps a day most days.  Sometimes if she has slept in or taken a long nap it is down to 3 naps.  This was the month of the infamous 4 month sleep regression and it did trip us up a little.  She is just still a bit unpredictable with her routine.  At night she went from waking up at 2-3am and again at 5-6 am to a wake up that started as early as 11 pm!  her naps have never been superb so they stayed about the same but getting her to fall asleep became a little trickier and she totally changed how she liked to fall asleep....from a gentle sway and pacifier to get drowsy to more vigorous squats and bouncing!  It's like my daily aerobic activity. haha.  I know I need to transition her to the crib and out of the swaddle but oh how I've put that off.  I'm waiting for this regression phase to end!  :) She is still a petite little thing and wearing 3 month clothes mostly(some 3-6month clothes), size 2 diapers.  She loves smiling and laughing with us and loves rolling around on her mat and grabbing toys.  She especially likes her Scout dog who makes her giggle and her face lights up when she sees him.  Cooper makes her laugh alot, too and she enjoys watching him dress up as superheros and play.  She is starting to stand and play in the exersaucer for a real work out! We also gave her pears and sweet potatoes as her first food this month.  She is not sure what she thinks of it and gives funny faces, but tolerates this new activity!  We just love our sweet little girl so much xoxo

 Father's Day 2017

 those eyelashes though!

 mommy made dress ;)  loving my new embroidery machine

 our first trip to Kroger with both babes!  I put this off because it seemed so dreadful hahah it was actually a fund morning

 strawberry picking!
she's good at falling asleep on the go when we are out on adventures with Cooper :) I just try to make it home in time for afternoon naps which seems to work out well