Scott, Katie and Wilson

Scott, Katie and Wilson

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Half Year Birthday

I can't believe it.  Cooper is 6 Months Old! And he appropriately had this milestone happen on Thanksgiving....we are so thankful this perfect boy is in our lives now.  Life is just so much sweeter with little Coop in it everyday.  At six months old Cooper is sitting up unassisted (with a few tumbles to the back or side every now and then),  interested in EVERYTHING and quickly reaches and grabs for items such as our cell phones and remote control.  He loves petting Wilson and getting kisses from the him! As much as I try to stop it, it just is inevitable some days.  I am learning to pick my battles :)  Cooper likes to burn some energy jumping in the jumparoo and enjoys chewing on the tags of his toys.  He is falling asleep without our assistance consistently for naps and bedtime.  We introduced a lovey and he HAS to have it to soothe himself to sleep.  He holds onto it and keeps it close to his mouth to suck on.  When he gets sleepy he has started to hug my neck and kiss my cheek (rather tightly!) its quite suffocating and I absolutely love it hahaha.  He opens his mouth wide and attacks.  Lastly, Cooper is growing some hair finally!  It looks like a buzz cut right now.

this was at his 6 mo Dr appt.

At 6 Months Cooper's:
Weight:  18lbs, 3oz (60th percentile)
Length:   26 3/4 inches (60th percentile)
Head Circ:  44cm (70th percentile)
wearing size 6-9 month clothes, size 3 Diapers
sleeps 11 hours/night with one feeding still in the middle of the night.  Cooper never adjusted to the daylight savings time change so he goes to bed at 6-6:30 and wakes up around 6.  I sure miss the 7-7 schedule we used to have!
naps 2-3 times/day and about 50% of them are longer than 30 min especially the morning nap.  I'll take what I can get! 
eats 5-6x/day 6 oz bottles

We started rice cereal as Cooper's first "solid" food. He liked playing with the spoon more than anything but did great.  He actually got the hang of it pretty fast.  I don't think he enjoyed the texture much, but he did open his mouth and go for the spoon to get more.  We are ready for some fruits and veggies now!
His very first bite
 not so sure at first
this face about sums it all up
 i think i'll take more, mom

the next day he was ready to try more

Best buddies up to no good!  I do love these boys
and this boy, too!
More pictures we love from Cooper's 6th Month:
his favorite time of day is when daddy comes home from work!
his "twin"

bundled up during our first cold days 

 mom, I can give myself the bottle
 hanging out
 after a good nap in our big boy crib!
 he started sucking on his bottom lip ALOT this month. this was his face most of the time
 sweetest smile ever
 We start every day in mommy and daddys bed waking up to the "Today Show"
 he must have been plotting his attack on the remote control
 about to attack mommy's face and neck

 family selfie.  Notice Scott's beard for "no shave november"

sweet cuddles before bedtime
love you, coop

Friday, November 7, 2014

Our New Home

We finally moved into our new home!  I have to admit as many times as Scott and I have moved it takes on new challenges managing the move with a baby!!  Cooper has adjusted to the change well and even is spending some time in his crib.  We cleaned out the townhouse and said goodbye... as much as I wanted out of it, of course,  I got sentimental when we were leaving.  It was the place we called home when we brought Cooper home from the hospital and where I spent most of my days with him learning to be a Mom.  That said, I know we will make so many new memories in our new place!
Our Builder, Tim Webb-Beatty
We have lots of decorating and unpacking to do, but it feels more like home everyday.  I'll have to take more pictures once it's complete.

Goodbye, Braden Way

First nap in his big boy crib!
 let me out! where's my rock n play, mom?!

Saturday, November 1, 2014


For Halloween we traveled to Louisville to visit with our families.  Cooper was the cutest lobster ever and tolerated being dressed up really well especially considering it was close to bedtime.  We loved seeing Harrison and Will as a UPS man and a UPS package, too.  It is crazy to think next year at Halloween he will be walking up to houses!

 Trick or Treat

our little pumpkin