Scott, Katie and Wilson

Scott, Katie and Wilson

Monday, March 31, 2014

Third Trimester

It's here, the final trimester in this pregnancy!  We are enjoying our last days as a family of 3 (Wilson is our first child) until baby Cooper arrives.  We also have been enjoying our last days in sunny Florida since we found out we are finally moving back to our "old Kentucky home!"  Scott starts his new job with Lockheed in Lexington, Ky on April 28.  I will have to move back a couple weeks before that as you aren't supposed to travel by plane past 34 weeks of pregnancy.  We are thrilled to be going back and it will be so nice to be close to home when Cooper arrives.  Our families are over the moon as well.  We decided that it is only fitting we would squeeze a move into our lives weeks before the baby's due date!  Never a dull moment for us.
Scott's Uncle John's 70th Birthday in Vero Beach (28 Weeks)
Liz's Baby Shower!  Hudson was born on March 25

29 Weeks

 30 Weeks!  We had the Holemans and my parents in town for the week.  They were happy to get a visit to Florida before we move away!  We had a blast with them and Harrison got to to go Disney for the first time.
Arnold Palmer Golf Tournament: Bay Hill, Orlando

Uncle Scott and Baby Hudson!  I think Scott is ready for Cooper! We sure are gonna miss the Beckers