Our night sleep is going great, too. Charlotte not only puts herself to sleep but she is sleeping 4-6 hour stretches at night, gets up to eat and then back to sleep til 7-8am. She can nap anwhere from 1 hour -4 hours! She takes about 4-5 naps a day. We started her on Prilosec for reflux this month and she is much happier now after eating. We started tummy time and and she likes listening to classical music!
At her two month doctor appointment Charlotte weighed: 10lbs 5 oz (45%), length was 21.75 inches (25%) and head circ. was 38cm (25%).
She is still in newborn size clothes and diapers. It makes me sad to see her in stuff from the hospital because now they actually fit! She's growing! How fast they grow. It's crazy to see. I already miss the super small newborn.
Cooper and Charlotte both are proud of each other. She watches him play (when she is rarely awake ahah) and he shows her off. I caught him saying to his cousin Will, " Look, Will, that's Charlotte!" pointing to her in her car seat and grinning ear to ear! Melt. Mama's. Heart.
he was a big helper while daddy went on a week long work trip. we all survived somehow!
he was a big helper while daddy went on a week long work trip. we all survived somehow!
Other events this month include Daddy giving her first bottle and using the miracle blanket for sleep... love that thing. I wonder if the zippadee zip is also in her future :) She loves the paci still, too, which is different from Cooper. It really makes her soothing herself to sleep so much easier. She also loves when I stroke the side of her face with my hand. It's sweet to see her immediately close her eyes to the touch.
the first bottle!
coop got gave his baby a bottle too ;) this was them burping their babies
relaxing outside
it was a long morning take big brother to swim lessons
on her six week old birthday she slept 8 hours that night! it was such a gift to us :)
daddy time
her first St Patrick's day!
pretty lady! this outfit will forever remind me of the hospital, it was one of her first outfits she ever wore
first nap in her room (not in the crib though)
sweet sleepy baby
even fell asleep on the boppy pillow
the first bottle!
coop got gave his baby a bottle too ;) this was them burping their babies
relaxing outside
it was a long morning take big brother to swim lessons
on her six week old birthday she slept 8 hours that night! it was such a gift to us :)
daddy time
her first St Patrick's day!
more photos we love this month:
starting to flash a smile every now and then!first nap in her room (not in the crib though)
sweet sleepy baby
even fell asleep on the boppy pillow
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