Scott, Katie and Wilson

Scott, Katie and Wilson

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Almost there

The countdown to Cooper's arrival is getting so close!  The last couple weeks have been going by pretty fast.  We reached the weekend of May 16 that was creating much stress for me and Scott.  He had to fly to Florida to meet the movers who are packing up and bringing everything to Lexington.  I had this horrible fear that I would go into labor while he was away but Cooper held off!  We are starting to feel more prepared and organized.  We have the keys to our temporary townhouse in KY and will be getting somewhat settled there prior to bringing a baby home.  Our hospital bags are packed and now we are eagerly awaiting a hospital adventure!  My appointments are going well and I have progressed to 3 cm and am 70% effaced.  That has to mean he's coming early or on time, right?!  It's so hard to wait!!

37 Weeks...Cooper is about 6lbs on ultrasound.  My belly is getting so large! Not much more room in there, Coop, might as well come out :)
 38 Weeks

1 comment:

  1. Lovin' the Wilkinson blog! I'm ready for Cooper pics on this thing!!!!!!
