Last month was filled with changes and milestones so this month was way less crazy! She went to breastfeeding only at night to now, by the end of the month, being exclusively bottle fed. It makes me sad (still ha) but she is just as healthy and happy so that's what matters. And we did make it longer than Cooper! My goal was 6 months and that's what we got to. We made a better effort offering solid food about an hour after her bottles and she is loving that. She is wearing size 3 diapers and size 6 month clothes.
She still is waking up one time a night to eat. If we thought she would sleep through the night continuously we were wrong! But oh how I do love her night time snuggles. She is REALLY good at nuzzling that little head into the crook of your neck. She also does this when she is unsure of new people or ready for a nap. It's the best. Nap update: We are napping longer than 40 minutes routinely! I realized we were still rocking her more than I was comfortable with for her age at nap time. We gave her some independence to fall asleep on her own and being the rockstar baby that she is she handled it well and caught on fast. I started giving her a "snack" (small bottle) before her afternoon nap to make sure she wasn't gonna wake up early hungry. Those two things (falling asleep all by her self and the bottle) have eliminated our 40 minute naps. Ah. That feels so good to say. She is also able to find and grab her paci and put it in and out of her mouth. She is cooing and talking and said the MAMA sound a few times ~ usually if she is really crying hard which rarely happens. Which reminds me to also include the funny way that she cries. I realized I hadn't written it down and don't want to forget it later in life. She kinds hums instead of crying! Its so cute. She won't open her mouth to let out a big cry like most babies. She keeps her mouth closed instead and it sounds like a humming cry haha she is the cutest. Last thing we've noticed this month is she really loves avocado. No surprise in this household! She really will eat just about anything we offer her (again, so easy going!) We love you Charlotte Wilkinson! aka Lottie, hottie lottie, lottie bottie, sweetie piiiieeeee (cooper says that), little love bug, baby girlllllll (another coop favorite).
visit at Nannie's lake house
coops first time bowling! Charlotte was a cheerleader again :)
bottle in the middle of target with Coopers help
another memory i didn't want to forget, this fun waterpark I took Cooper to with the Holemans
Dressed in Lily
"nakey baby"
her 6 month check up was actually this month a week late
fell asleep on the way to the car after a long morning at Lakeside with Aunt Sis
chewing on everything
Cooper loves dressing her up as a superhero, too! surprised it took this long actually
watching the boys fish
mama's monogramming model
we think this new face she makes is hilarious! she is getting some top teeth we think. She's actually happy when she does it even though she looks mad!
like father like daughter
Cooper is sooooo funny
we sent this picture to daddy when he was away in Arizona for work
did you say avocado?!
first time in the front of the cart as opposed to the car seat! (at Hobby Lobby)
oh my that smile
picking up Cooper on his first day of school! She got restless in the car line so I let her up front with me, that made her super happy!
sibling love
getting to know Wilson more this month
crazy days at home
post bath fun