at 4 Months:
Weight: 15lbs 02ounces (50th percentile)
Height: 25.5 inches (70th percentile)
Head: 46cm (70th percentile)
Head: 46cm (70th percentile)
wears size 3-6 month clothes, size 2 diapers
Is Formula Fed 4-6 ounces every 3 hours
Takes 3 naps/day mostly 30 minute naps. Every now and then he surprises us with a longer one! I usually can help get him back to sleep at his afternoon nap to make it an hour-hour and half. He is pretty consistent with 2 hour awake times before needing some rest.
Takes 3 naps/day mostly 30 minute naps. Every now and then he surprises us with a longer one! I usually can help get him back to sleep at his afternoon nap to make it an hour-hour and half. He is pretty consistent with 2 hour awake times before needing some rest.
Sleeps at night for 8-9 hours average before waking to eat...then goes back to sleep for another 2-3 hours!!! Typical bedtime is around 8:00pm and wake up is around 7:30am.We are thrilled with his nighttime sleep returning after the last month!!!
Cooper loves going on walks and being out and about running errands with his Momma. He attracts lots of attention when mommy wears him in the baby carrier!
Watching football! look at those rolls, our big boy
Loves his turtle chair
one of our target/starbucks trips
We had a photo shoot one day in this perfect weather! He's a great little model
enjoying play time in his exersaucer! he really loves this new area to explore in
getting some lovin from his cousin Harrisonspending the evening at Scott's work for a family festival
trying to roll over!! almost got it, Cooper! We have had some success rolling from stomach to back but not consistently yet.
Cooper also just started grabbing his feet and toys. He loves putting the toys in his mouth (maybe the start of teething?!) He is always putting his whole fist in his mouth, too. It's so fun to watch him reach these milestones. He is trying to sit up on his own as well. I'll keep you updated!
"Sophie" the giraffe is our favorite toy right now