Cooper is two months old and he's growing so fast! It seems like overnight he will change and start doing something new. He loves to smile at Mommy and Daddy and "talks" to us with the sweetest cooing noises. He was started on a schedule and it seems to help his sleep some. He is happiest in the morning when we play after his first feeding. He averages about 14 hours of sleep now with 3 daytime naps and 1 catnap in the evening before our bedtime routine...assuming he stays on schedule. Most days there is some variation to that. He still likes to sleep at night (thank goodness) and gives us a good 6-8 hour stretch before he wakes to feed and then goes back to sleep. He exclusively breast feeds and has 5-6 meals a day.
At 2 Months:
Weight: 12lbs 3 oz (50th percentile)
Length: 23.5inches (75th percentile)
Head: 39cm (50th percentile)
our big boy
this is the face I get when I lay him on my chest after he eats. melt. my.heart.
one of our first days laughing and smiling. he gets camera shy so it's hard to capture!
hanging with his brother
Loves being outside
Daddy and Coop
Scott's Favorite photo...working on his "L" hand
out to lunch with Mom and Dad at McCalisters Deli
First trip to Target (my favorite store) with mommy! First of many :)