Scott, Katie and Wilson

Scott, Katie and Wilson

Friday, June 27, 2014

One Month Old

Cooper is already one month old!  What a month it has been!  I think we are starting to settle into a routine and Cooper is growing day by day.  At his last office visit (3 weeks old) he was up to 9lbs 1oz, and 20.5 inches.  At one month old Coop likes tummy time and is getting better and better at lifting his head.  He just started flashing a quick smile when awake and is smiling in his sleep all the time.  He also has started cooing and tracking objects as they move across his face.  His hobbies include sleeping in his mamaroo, listening to classical music, reading time with mom and dad, and eating, of course!  He also enjoys car rides and doesn't like missing out on stuff during the day....we are still working on our daytime naps.  However, much to our amazement he only wakes up twice at night to feed.  Let's hope that part of the routine stays!

Here are my favorites from his first month photos. We will be doing one each month to watch his growth. So be sure to check back every 27th of the month!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Cooper is 2 Weeks!

Everyone says time passes quickly with babies and it's so true!  I can't believe little Cooper has been here for over two weeks now.  We are enjoying parenthood and Cooper is making it easy on us because he has been a really good baby so far.  In his first two weeks of life things have been busy!  We had his newborn photos taken, we continue to house hunt with our realtor, I had a root canal  performed in Louisville (yes, a root canal!...cracked a chunk of my molar off days before giving birth), Cooper's first pediatrician appointment, Scott went back to work, and we've had some visitors along the way!  I've attempted to capture some of Cooper's first life experiences as you can see below.  Every day brings new "firsts" in his little life.
Cooper 2 Weeks old
At two weeks old Cooper is sleeping about 15 hours a day,breastfeeds about every 3 hours and has lots of dirty diapers (about 8-10/day)!  He left the hospital weighing 7lb 3oz, at his one week appointment he was up to 7lb 9oz.  We found out at his 2 week appointment he is 8 lbs now!  He was also diagnosed with reflux and is on prescription Zantac.  He hates the taste of the medicine, but it's making him much happier. Which makes mommy and daddy happy, too.

 this monkey was his first gift from daddy

 of course Wilson wanted in on the action
Cooper's First Baths

In the hospital
First sponge bath at home (we couldn't do a real bath until after umbilical cord stump fell off)
 he wasn't a big fan of the sponge bath
keeping an eye on us ;)
First real bath, starting to like bath time a little more as long as we keep him warm!

First car rides
 wide awake! taking in the scenery
First family walk
First "tummy time" and lovin it
 Daddy and Wilson like tummy time too

sweet sleepy baby