Stroller Shopping
Wilson seems to know something is different with me and wants to be my side often. I was trying to take a nap, and he apparently wanted to protect and cuddle me. Needless to say, he was the only one napping!

Thankfully this pregnancy continues to be healthy for me and Cooper. I have been feeling great. Scott attended a Daddy Boot Camp class and is a proud graduate! I know he is going to be the perfect Daddy.
Our 28 week appointment is in less than a week and I will receive a Rhogam injection (I'm RH negative) and will be tested for gestational diabetes. I wanted to go ahead and get some pictures together of my growing belly. It seems to grow overnight!
28 Weeks (Wilson likes to pose with me)
24 Weeks
20 Weeks....when I actually started to look pregnant
18 Weeks
16 Weeks
14 weeks (sorry for the "selfie" photos...sometimes Scott doesn't like to play photographer!!)
This was the first signs of a bump. I wasn't really showing yet. I kept saying it just looked like I had a really full bladder.
12 weeks...basically our "before" photos. I don't even remember life without this belly!
We are down to less than 100 days til our May 30th due date. The countdown is on!